Dr. Steve Snodgrass, M.D., F.A.C.S.-Former Chief of Surgery, a member of the American Medical Association, a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, husband, father of two sons, and the son of a cancer survivor

Why Pizza flavor?

Reportedly, Americans eat 100 acres of pizza every day. That’s three billion pizzas or 46 slices of pizza for every person in the country every year.

Why French Toast flavor?

French Toast is so popular it has its own holiday-National French Toast Day is every November 28th.

  • No Cholesterol, 0 grams Trans Fat, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO
  • Crunchy, great-tasting, complete plant protein
  • No mixing or refrigeration required, no melted mess
  • Convenient, Family-Friendly/Patient Friendly
  • For NON-PATIENTS - Soy protein may play a useful role in: Weight Management, Childhood Nutrition, Sports Nutrition/Athletes, Healthy Aging, Flexitarians, Sarcopenia/Myopenia, or just anyone looking for healthier snack choices - WE MAKE SOY EASY!
  • For PATIENTS - A partial list of clinical settings where this product may be used to help these patient groups meet their protein needs: Cancer, Prediabetes/Diabetes, Obesity, Cardiovascular Disease, COPD, Prehabilitation, Pre/Post-Operative (Surgical), Chronic Wound Care, Renal Failure/Dialysis, Celiac Disease/Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, Anorexia/Bulimia, HIV/AIDS
  • For CAREGIVERS: Those who are dedicated to caring for people with chronic conditions, such as debilitating injuries/illnesses or the aged. Is your loved one getting enough protein to meet their Personal Protein RDA?
  • Protein Calorie Malnutrition (PCM), is the most common secondary diagnosis in cancer patients.
  • PCM leads to increased morbidity, mortality, complications, length of hospital stay, and hospital readmissions.
  • PCM can have a drastic, negative effect on overall patient outcomes and Quality of Life (QoL), and be a major contributing factor in patient deaths.
  • In certain cases, you must not only survive your illness, but you must also survive your treatment. Both may contribute to PCM. To give yourself the best chance for success, you must supply your body with the protein it needs. To me, being PROTEIN STABLE is a critical first step in patient care.
  • I recommend every cancer patient (in the presence of a family member), ask their caregivers this question: HOW MANY GRAMS OF PROTEIN DO I NEED TO EAT EVERYDAY? You should expect and deserve to know the answer, and then do everything in your power to meet that number.
  • To date, obesity is now reportedly linked to 13 types of cancer as well as type 2 diabetes. I refer to this as the Obesity/Diabetes/Cancer Triad, and this relationship is very real.
  • Reportedly, there are over 85 million Americans with Prediabetes and over 30 million have Diabetes. Are you one of these people?
  • Adoption of a more plant-based diet (which includes plant protein), has been associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Avoid empty calories, and make eating count.
  • Soy and breast cancer patients-From the Journal of the American Medical Association: Among women with breast cancer, soy food consumption was significantly associated with decreased risk of death and recurrence.
  • You have a great deal of power regarding your personal well-being. Awareness and education play a role in helping you become your own health advocate. After all, it is your body.
  • Dr. Steve’s Nutri Snax is purposefully made for you to enjoy right out of the bag, but for something a little different, you may want to try adding French Toast to your favorite cereal, milk, oatmeal, pudding, yogurt, or ice cream. Add Pizza to broth, soups, chili, lentils or salads. MAKE EVERY CRUMB COUNT!
  • It is important for everyone to know and meet their Personal Protein RDA, as well as any additional protein that may be required to fit your individual needs. This is one reason Dr. Steve’s Nutri Snax is placed in convenient one-ounce packaging.